“Through quality control, it is possible to find faults in everyday life and, this way, optimize and standardize processes. In our article…
Check out Articles and News related to the universe of Tayga HS
4 Big Mistakes in Your Electric Dash Installation
“Electrical trace and thermal insulation have been used in industrial plants and other processes for decades. There is a widespread understanding that…
5 Ways to increase industrial productivity
“Take advantage of the best resources available, as equipment, labor and raw materials, is the motto of industrial productivity.” Check out some actions below that can be effective…
“The feedback loop, also known as feedback loop., is a methodology that visually identifies the cause and effect relationships of the processes of a…
How Tayga works in the awareness of workers to prevent accidents
“Work safety is a necessary and important activity for companies to function. Here at Tayga we treat this topic with due…
What is predictive maintenance?
“Predictive maintenance is the analysis of the condition and performance of critical equipment in a plant to reduce the cases of failure of these components. currently, …
The importance of the equipment criticality matrix
“With the criticality matrix, it is possible to design a scale for prioritizing maintenance actions, aiming to ensure the functioning of the production system as quickly as possible…
Electric Trace: fault diagnosis with 26 solutions
“Due to improved technology and industry standard requirements that must be met for a supplier to be accepted as viable in the market, os …
How the right environment can improve processes and increase productivity in the industry?
“Regardless of the size of the industrial park, the safety of employees must be a priority. Many laws and regulations are already in place to ensure this. But offering…
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