“Regardless of the size of the industrial park, the safety of employees must be a priority. Many laws and regulations are already in place to ensure this. But offering an adequate industrial environment goes beyond complying with the competent bodies. Lighting, cleaning and signage are also important parts and, in addition to contributing to the healthiness of the industry, have a positive impact on productivity.
In this article, we brought these and other points that must be observed by the managers when instituting improvements in the production processes. Continue reading and learn more.“
5 care that ensures an adequate industrial environment
Even though there are rules about how industrial environments need to be structured, it is the duty of managers to look for ways to improve them even more. currently, a series of measures can be taken to boost productivity and make the industrial park more profitable and safer for employees. Check out the main.
1. Lighting
HPS lamps (high pressure sodium), which are the most common, may not be the best alternative when planning a suitable industrial environment. That's because they have a color rendering index (SHOUT) below 30. What does this information mean? What besides not leveling the perspective, make it difficult to discern colors. Since the visual signs of control panels are essential to guide employees in various routines, this detail can lead to malpractice and accidents.
And Industry 4.0 it's also in the lighting! LED lamps enable activation by sensors and the internet of things sends data to managers. So, can monitor the state of the systems and intervene before one of the lights fails. Yet, the intensity of the luminosity, just like your color, are already used for, inclusive, increase the productivity of those who work in the offices. An example is the blue light control, which can be adjusted to stimulate concentration and alertness.
2. Temperature
This factor has a very important role in the workers' income. Excess heat, for example, causes sweating to increase and, with her, or energy expenditure. Of course, it is not always possible to maintain the ideal temperature, and in steel industry. But in industries that allow this management, HVAC must be taken seriously by managers.
In large industrial parks, exhaust fans are a great way to improve air circulation and make the climate more pleasant. meantime, the operating environment will determine, among the three types, or ideal model. Grinding processes or those that generate sparks, need an exhaust fan with good flow; smaller places may have a good solution for air exchange in the axial hood. They, inclusive, they are great allies in the health of employees, since they replace the contaminated and contaminated air with fresh air.
3. Air filters
Still talking about the respiratory health of employees, air filters play an important role in the composition of an adequate industrial environment. They are part of the exhaust system and filter out toxic waste and impurities from the air before returning it to the atmosphere. meantime, are indispensable - and mandatory - in the entire industrial park. This is because the processes involved on the shop floor are different and generate different residues, which requires an air filter for each one.
The filtering needs is who will dictate the model to be used. Caring for air quality interferes, also, in the production process itself. If it is contaminated with solid gases or particles, can affect the final product, especially in sectors like the food industry.
4. Signage and layout
In factories that operate in a serial manner, the industrial layout is no longer a novelty, in the end, production follows a standard and progressive structure. Although, arranging the factory space according to the workflow and seeking this optimization is not exclusive to these sectors and, he can, also, be part of the management departments. The layout of machines, tools, supplies e, Sure, labor, is responsible for keeping the environment organized and much easier to work.
Although, even if the layout is adequate, park signage is essential. In addition to guaranteeing the visual information about the process flow, has an important role in accident prevention. It has, also, a reduction in task execution time and less waste of materials, which positively impacts industry productivity.
5. Cleaning
Even if there is a team designed only to perform the cleaning, this issue is the responsibility of everyone who works in the park. This because a dirty and disorganized environment has an impact on all spheres of the process: increases the risk of accidents, speeds up wear and tear on machinery, hinders workflow, in addition to serving as a habitat for fungi and bacteria that can contaminate humans.
The daily routines of all employees must include the cleaning of the equipment with which they interact. Of course, this is a task that, for many times, it's superficial, since many systems can only be accessed with the machines turned off. Even so, it is fundamental for the good performance of the functions - of both the active and the worker.
Promoting an adequate industrial environment goes beyond, simply, comply with the legal issues of the activity. Look for layout improvements, lighting and temperature control can bring benefits, also, for employee productivity.
- This article was removed from the site: Industrial Innovation
Now that you know what steps to take to ensure a suitable industrial environment, also read the article Safety at Work and Industry: You 8 Tayga NR Certificates and get to know some important standards for the industries.
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