Heating is a fundamental part of many industrial processes, but may be inefficient due to air gaps and cold spots. In this article, we will understand what can be done to increase the efficiency of heating processes that use steam trace..
Conventional steam tracing is a common system used to heat piping, but it has minimal contact points with the process piping, resulting in a high energy loss. The solution to this loss of efficiency is the high-performance steam tracing system..
A little more about the high-performance steam dash
High-performance heating systems should be used in cases where you want to reduce the number of heating branches, mainly for high viscosity products.
The MHT system (maximum heat transfer) from Tayga is a unique option that reduces air gaps and cold spots, besides not rusting. This is possible thanks to a thermal mass that acts between the heat dissipation trough and the process tube., which is the pipe that will be heated.
This system also uses stainless steel, which has better properties than copper, such as corrosion resistance. That prevents the loss of material mass and the formation of scale in the line and traps. Besides that, the MHT aluminum heatsink associated with the HTC (heat transfer coefficient) maximizes heat transfer.
Tayga offers this high-performance vapor tracing service to help companies increase the efficiency of their heating processes. He helps to eliminate the disadvantages of the conventional steam trace and ensure better performance of the heating system.
We work with the best practices and technologies available to ensure that our customers have the best possible performance in their heating processes.. If you are looking for a solution to the inefficiency of your heating system, count on us.
. Contact us from the site (click here), fur e-mail contato@taygahs.com or at phone and Whatsapp (21) 9.8819-3687 to find out how we can help your company.
It will be a pleasure to get to know your industry and help with our customized energy efficiency solutions!
We also recommend reading our materials on the heating and insulation systems implemented by Tayga (just click and you will be redirected):