high performance steam trace solution

You know all the benefits of High Performance Steam Dash?

The MHT system, Maximum Heat Transfer, a spin-off of the high-performance steam dash, is solution increasingly used by Tayga's partner industries and came to replace the old conventional Steam Trace. Among its main objectives are also the maintaining process temperature and protection against freezing. In the article below we explain the main differences of High Performance Steam Stroke and why it is worth investing in this technology.



How the steam trace works


steam dash

Steam trace is a heating system that works using water vaporization. The system, when well designed, is capable of producing steam at temperatures high enough to heat pipes, equipment and instruments in an industrial process. Besides that, steam trace can be controlled to heat or cool areas efficiently, allowing you to control the environment according to your needs.






High Performance Steam Trace Differentials

differential vapor trace

Performance superior: It is efficient and uses less energy than traditional heating systems. The Steam Trace System is capable of increasing by up to 6 times the energy transfer, compared to the conventional trait.

Safety: With the high-performance electric dash system there is no risk of electric shocks or fuel leaks. It is the only zero-risk solution on the market.

Controllability: Another advantage is its ability to offer precise control. The steam dash allows users to adjust the temperature however they want, and tracing can be automatically activated or deactivated to suit environmental needs. Empty product lines can be preheated or steam cleaned without any problems. Increased heat demand due to insulation degradation is automatically met.

Reliability: The high-performance vapor tracing system is extremely robust. Its operation is not affected by adverse conditions and easily withstands the normal day-to-day knocks that occur in a process plant..

Flexibility: Steam tracker outlets are easily adjusted without having to change the installation. Systems are easily extended

Economy: Vapor tracking is very simple in concept. It is easy to design and install and uses simple features, with mechanical components that do not require external power supply. Your maintenance can be reduced, which results in resource savings.

Besides that, the vapor trace system is silent and environmentally friendly, as it does not emit pollutants for its operation.



High-performance vapor trace system is highly efficient, safe, Ecologically correct, efficient and does not require much maintenance. That is why, if you are thinking about investing in a high-performance heating solution, the MHT steam trace could be the ideal option for your industry.


contact tayga

Tayga has already carried out several heating and insulation projects and developed the High Performance Steam Trace solution. To understand how we can help your industry and learn about our projects, contact us from the site (click here), fur e-mail contato@taygahs.com or at phone and Whatsapp (21) 9.8819-3687.

It will be a pleasure to get to know your business and help with our customized energy efficiency solutions!


We also recommend reading our materials on the heating and insulation systems implemented by Tayga (just click and you will be redirected):

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